Well holy guacamole I’m Marc Hobelman, a motion designer in San Diego 🥑

I’ve been designing graphics and producing video since my halcyon days pounding the pavement in Denver, CO. I’m a freelancer specializing in 2D, but always keeping my feet warm in the hot tub of 3D. I’ve produced campaigns for fortune 100 companies and graphics for the indiest of indie bands. I love what I do, solo or with a crew.

I’m married to Ashley, and we bounce around southern California with our cool old dog Little Man. I’m re-training my skateboard and surfing legs out here, and you will certainly find me at your local taco shop.

The longer I do this work as a freelancer, the more important community becomes. So I started the San Diego Motion Design Meetup group, attend conferences around the country, and I have an open-door policy for talking shop.

Drop me a line, or follow along for updates on my work or more ways to build community and develop as a creative.


